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- Archaeological Survey of India
- ASI Museum (Goa)
- Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
- Citizen’s Charter Directorate of Archives and Archaeology
- Dutch-Portuguese Colonial History
- E-Journal of Portuguese History
- Goa Department of Tourism
- Goa State Museum
- Kerala Department of Tourism
- Museum of Christian Art (Goa)
- National Library of India
- Portuguese Studies Review
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- "Cael Velho"
- "Calepatanão" and "Punicale": The Portuguese and the Tambraparni Ports in the Sixteenth Century
- A Expedição de Pedro Alvares Cabral e o Descobrimento do Brazil (Lisboa 1922)
- A Request for Royal Consent to Exterminate Jews 1513
- A Summary of Portugese History in Ceylon 1506-1631
- Aguada Portuguese Fort 1612
- An Historical Sketch of Goa The Metropolis of the Portuguese Settlements in India
- Aravalem Hindu Cave 700 AD
- Assolda Shrine
- Basílica do Bom Jesus 1594
- Borim Bridge 1961
- British Cemetery 1808
- Calcoen (Antwerp 1504)
- Capela de Santo Francisco Xavier 1884
- Captain-General and Governor of India (London 1936)
- Chandrapura Nandi
- Curca Deity
- Dutch Colonial remains in Vengurla
- Flight of the Deities: Hindu Resistance in Portuguese Goa
- Hell: A European Medieval Concept Transposed to Goa
- Houses of Goa Museum
- Illustration Commemorating the Conquest of Malacca after that of Goa
- Illustrations of the Goa Inquisition 1709
- Index of the Court Proceedings of the Portuguese Inquisition
- Indie Orientalie Penisola di qua del Gange Larabia el'Imperio del Gran Mogol (Napoli 1717)
- Indies Adventure: The Amazing Career of Afonso de Albuquerque
- Jain Kudne Temple
- Kadamba Port Ruins (Govapuri)
- Kadamba Sculptures
- Khandepar Caves Part I
- King Manuel I letter to Governor Lopo Soares de Albergaria 1516
- L'Indigénisation du Christianisme en Inde pendant la Période Coloniale
- L'Influence Portugaise sur la Cartographie Nautique Néerlandaise du XVIe siècle
- La Mise en Valeur des Colonies Portugaises
- Lamgao Hindu Cave
- Le Régime Paroissial des Diocèses de Rite Latin de l'Inde des Origines (XVIe siècle) à nos Jours (review)
- Les Portugais et la Cartographie Marine au XVe et au XVIe Siècle
- Mapa de Portugal insular e Império Colonial Português 1934
- Mauxi Betal Shrine
- Medieval Portuguese Road
- Meio Portuguese Fort 1681
- Mughal Mosque in Bicholim
- Mystery over Georgian Queen's Relics at Old Goa Continues
- Nossa Senhora da Esperança 1667
- Nossa Senhora da Piedade Capela 1625
- Nossa Senhora da Saude 1606
- Nossa Senhora do Amparo 1710
- Nossa Senhora do Rosario 1526
- Panjim Cartões Postais
- Pedraluarez Cabral (London 1914)
- Pedro Alvares Cabral: Drama Histórico em Quatro Actos
- Plan de L'Isle de Goa dans les Indes et des Terres Adjacentes 1700s
- Plan of the Town of Mapuca 1888 (Council of Bardez)
- Planta da Cidade de Nova Goa 1888
- Planta da Ilha de Goa na India e suas Terras Confinantes 1747
- Portuguese Impressions of the Zamorin
- Portuguese Rule in Goa 1510-1961 (Review)
- Portuguese Viceroys and Governors
- Prehistoric Chandole Cave
- Reis Magos Fort 1551
- Relation de l'inquisition de Goa (Paris 1688)
- Riverfront and Dockyard Illustration 1558
- Rivona Buddhist Cave 600 AD
- Santo Aleixo 1595
- Santo Estevao 1759
- Sao Cristovao 1623
- Sao Mathias 1590
- Sao Pedro 1543
- Savoi Mahadevo Temple
- Sawantwadi Fort in the New Conquests
- Slave Market (Description by F. Pyrard 1608)
- St Cajetan 1656
- Surla Sufi Shrine
- Table of the Inquisition
- Tambdi Surla
- The Age of Discovery Spanish and Portuguese Voyages
- The Departure of Cabral's Fleet to India
- The Discovery of Brazil en route to India
- The First Global War: The Dutch versus Iberia in Asia (article)
- The First Mass in Brazil
- The First Portuguese Expedition to India 1497-1498
- The First Portuguese India Company 1628-33 (Article)
- The Portuguese in India (review)
- The Portuguese Seizure of Banastari 1512
- The Royal Palace of Sawantwadi
- The Voyage of Vasco da Gama to India 1498
- Yeshvantgad Fort 1662
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